Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Birthday Amanda!

My friends daughter celebrated her birthday this week. She loves carrot cake. So I decided to do a german carrot cake. The difference to the american carrot cake is: the recipes are often with a lot of raisins, chopped pecans and lots of cinnamon. She doesn't like raisins in her cake so it was worth a try for a new carrot cake. I went with a typical cream cheese icing. The cake was a hit. I'm glad everyone liked it. Happy Birthday Amanda, I wish you all the best, Make every dream come true.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Black & White

I saw a cake decoration method in a dr.oetker book. I want to try these for a long time. Instead of using colors like red, yellow or blue I did something different. Black. Let's have a look.

Ich habe eine Dekorationsmethode im Dr.Oetker Buch gesehen. Ich wollte dies schon seit langem einmal ausprobieren. Anstatt Farben wie rot, gelb oder blau zu benutzen, habe ich mich entschlossen schwarz zu nehmen. Ist einmal was ganz anderes. Seht selbst.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Spring Cake Pops

Hi my Blogger friends. I hope you had a wonderful weekend. We spend the weekend in the Rocky Mountains. It's the first May long weekend were we didn't had snow (since we live in Canada). So it's time for some spring cake pops. Yeah! We should enjoy the spring (and baking ;-)).

Hallo meine Bloggerfreunde. Ich hoffe ihr hattet ein schoenes Wochenende. Wir haben das Wochenende in den Rocky Mountains verbracht. Es ist unser erstes langes Maiwochenede wo es keinen Schnee gab (seitdem wir in Kanada leben). Also ist es Zeit fuer ein paar Fruehlings Cake Pops. Yeah! Wir sollten den Fruehling geniessen (und das Backen ;-)).

Monday, May 16, 2011

Cocos-Marzipan Cupcakes

Hi to all my blogger friends out there. Thanks for visiting my blog and your kind comments. It was very busy the last weeks because we (my husband and I) planning our 10th wedding anniversary. We're going to have a celebration at the Beckers Chalet in Jasper (Rocky Mountains). We will have a fabulous dinner with family and friends.

But know to my Cocos Marzipan Cupcakes.
I grinded the Marzipan and gave it to my favorite cake recipe. The taste was amazing. I bet even people who doesn't like Marzipan will love the cake. It's so well combined you don't have the Marzipan taste. I glazed it with lemon icing (very thin) and did cocos flakes and grinded dark chocolate on top.

Hallo an alle meine Blogger Freunde. Vielen Dank fuer die vielen Besuche und die lieben Kommentare. Es war sehr viel zu tun in letzter Zeit. Wir planen unseren 10. Hochzeitstag. Wir werden ein Menue mit unsere Familie und Freunden im Beckers Chalet in Jasper (Rocky Mountains) haben.

Aber nun zu meinen Kokos-Marzipan-Cupcakes.
Ich habe das Marzipan geraspelt und zu meinem Lieblingsruehrkuchen dazu gefuegt. Der Geschmack war so lecker. Ich wette das sogar Leute die kein Marzipan essen, die Cupcakes moegen wuerden. Man hat das Marzipan nicht wirklich raus geschmeckt. Ich habe die Cupcakes duenn mit Zitronenglasur bepinselt und mit geraspelten Kokosflocken und dunklen Schokoladenraspeln dekoriert.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Happy 30th Birthday Bella!

My friends couldn't believe I make my own birthday cake. Yes I did! It was such an amazing time. It was hard to do because I never ever did a cake like that before. But you know what - it was worst it! I admired the cake from Cake Boss (TLC). I saw the cake on their website and want to have one at my birthday. The first tier was white cake with banana filling and the second tier was lemon cake with lemon filling.
The cake was such a "WOW - effect" at my birthday party. Everyone just loved it.

Meine Freunde konnten nicht glauben das ich meine eigene Geburtstagstorte mache. Ja ich habe es getan und ich hatte eine tolle Backzeit. Es war nicht einfach weil ich so eine Torte noch nie gemacht habe. Aber wisst ihr was - es war jedes schwitzen und jede Anstrengung wert. Ich habe schon lange die Torte bei Cake Boss (TLC-Sender) bewundert. Ich habe die Torte auf seiner Website gesehen und mir war klar, so eine moechte ich gerne zu meinem Geburtstag haben. Die erste Torte war mit Bananenfuellung und die obere Torte mit Zitronenfuellung.
Die Torte sorgte fuer einen "WOW-Effekt". Jeder war begeistert.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy Easter Cupcakes

Here are more easter cupcakes. I hadn't time to upload them at easter. I think I never did such elegant cupcakes like these ones. I'm really satisfied with the outcome of the cupcakes. Our friends loved it.